27 февр. 2014 г.


PA HARDCORE、Taste The Steel。大好きなバンドですが、この前上げられたこの曲も最高でした。この曲はACAB songですが、彼らの常にメッセージをストレートにぶち込んでる感じも渋いと思います。高音が掠れちゃってるみたいな音質も含めて00年代中盤というかDEMO CD-R感が抜群に出ていて、自分がその頃こういうハードコアをちゃんと聴きだしたりしたのもあって完全にハマります。Taste The SteelとかSWEAR TO GODとか知名度結構ありつつプレス音源出さないで同内容のCD−R連発しちゃう感じも大好きなので、00年代はCD-R! とか思ってたりします。適当ですが。。

The cities will fall
under a sea of their own blood
corruptions all around me
the masses of people are numb to the senseless killing that I see every day
Threat of an imminent world war
but there's no hope, just greed pain and death
I'm sick of hearing all the lies from governments that wont listen to its people
I'm sick of watching all our lives turn to shit
I wont partake in any of it
two thousand five and beyond the years of attrition
people killing the innocent in the name of their religion
I've lost faith in the human race
thousands still living in their own filth
so many so ignorant to the suffering of the youth
I'm sick of watching all our lives turn to shit
threat of an imminent world war
but there's no hope just greed pain and death
Look around, Just open your eyes
stand up, free yourself from this bullshit existence.


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